Alonzo Franklin Parish and Ida Lavisa Pettingill Family Blog

To all Family Members:
Share your pictures and stories about our ancestors by sending them via email to: brenda.bailey.1@hotmail. They will be posted on the family blog and available for all of our family to enjoy.

Heritage Album

Black and white photos aged with time now cover the pages before you. These pictures are a reminder of a moment in time and give us a past to hold onto.

The harders of times our loved ones endured as they steadily paved the way. Gratitude and respect they have earned and their legacy of love we can never repay.

Each photo has a story of personal happiness, heartaches, blood and sweat. But for their individual journeys and their legacies to live, the sacrifices we must not forget.

Hold onto the history stored within these precious pages and allow these stories to live. For these memories of trial and triumph are the most priceless treasure that one can give. By Wendy Silva

Old Photographs by Ernest Jack Sharpe

OLD PHOTOGRAPHS by Ernest Jack Sharpe
A box of faded photographs I opened yesterday, And instantly my memories were carried far away

To many friends and places, from years so long ago, As I sorted through those photographs of folks I used to know.

There were some of family members that are no longer here, and photographs of sweethearts I once thought very dear.

Thoughts swiftly raced and tumbled on things that are no more, As I daydreamed over photographs and happy days of yore.



If you could see your Ancestors All standing in a row, Would you be proud of them, or not, or don't you really know?

Some strange discoveries are made in climbing family trees. And some of them, you know do not particularly please.

If you could see your Ancestors all standing in a row, These might be some of them perhaps, You wouldn't care to know.

But here's another question which requires a different view, If you could meet your Ancestors, Would they be proud of you?

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Parish Reunion 2012

 Dear Parish Family Members!!

Oels family is in charge of the Parish Reunion this year and I have created a group on the following website:     
 Please add yourself and others as members. We will post info and updates thru emails and the Parish Reunion Group website!!

The Elba Park has been reserved for the 3rd weekend in July so you can plan ahead!!

Please send any family email addresses to me at: 

Mark your calendars July 19th. 20th, 21st and 22nd!! Saturday will be the lunch, quilt raffle, auction, dutch oven yummy dinner!!!

Horseshoes Tournament was a BIG HIT last year!! Put in $1.00 win the pot!!

Maybe some basketball competitions, a talent show and other game ideas!!!!

Also we will have a quilt for the auction and need items for the auction. This has turned into a FUN time to raise money for the Reunion Fund!!

Seriously, grown men bidding on Kaylin's homemade jam-Hilarious...

and Brittany made 2 beautiful pictures-one said FAMILY & one said PARISH-that sold well-thank you Britt...

and anyone that wanted to order one her phone number is 208-431-8483-or if you request a certain last name for the auction-let me know!! JONES-PARISH-FAMILY-?????

Thanks and hope to see everyone at the Reunion!!! Please help share the date -email, phone calls, facebook, add names to this group!!!
We are planning a FUN REUNION for 2012!!!

Thanks, love you all, from Oel's family!!!!